After School Club, I started and the Things I learned

After School Club, I started and the Things I learned
Many moons ago, being a doctor was the profession I was going for. I felt like the medical world was for me, so naturally, I wanted to do all that I can to achieve my goals. I wanted to exemplify leadership, therefore I started a medical club at Nashua High School South. Little did I know the club would help me with finding a passion in business.&n...
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Choosing A Future Career

Choosing A Future Career
Many students have no idea what career path they would like to follow when they are older. According to, a study revealed that 45% of high schoolers do not know what career they want. The thought can be daunting when trying to decide what path may be best for you. What if you do not want to be a lawyer half way through law school? Wha...
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10 Good Habits for Students from a Junior in High School

10 Good Habits for Students from a Junior in High School
Most of us try to be the best student we can possibly be. We want to volunteer, try to get the best grades possible, participate in school sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. In other words, we want to fill up our KudosWall portfolios as much as we can, so we can be proud of ourselves. Here are 10 good habits for any student to be ...
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7 SAT Study Tips That I Use For Success

7 SAT Study Tips That I Use For Success
Never is it too late to start studying for the mandatory SAT test. Colleges take these scores to reflect where you are academically. Based on your score, along with many other factors like your transcript and extracurriculars, they will either accept or reject. This is why studying for the SAT is mandatory, great colleges want great scores. Here ar...
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Three things I do to avoid procrastination

Three things I do to avoid procrastination
Being the best student you can possibly be is what impresses colleges. Productivity and hard work are key aspects to achieving this persona. Don't let procrastination get in the way on your path to success.1.  Plan what you need to do ahead of time with rewardsMake a To-do list of every studious task you need to complete, including deadlines. ...
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How I found my passion and how you can too

How I found my passion and how you can too
Nobody has everything figured out from the start. Luckily while you are in school, you have a place to seek out what interests you the most. When it comes to finding your passion, there are numerous possibilities. You could end up loving to snowboard, feeling like the king of the world while on the snowy slopes. Or you may feel that expressing you...
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